
2.6.5 Touch-Up using AI

Touch Up. It'll put the Maltese Falcon on a desk, or, if you insist, a mustache on a cop.

Introducing Touch up for Previs Pro

Using the latest AI enhancements, Touch Up makes it easy to refine every detail of your shots. Whether you want to seamlessly add new elements or perfect existing ones, Touch Up offers a fluid and intuitive way to perfect your work. Elevate your storytelling and transform your visions with the creativity and ease of Touch Up.

Tips & Tricks

The secret to success is being flexible and knowing what it can do and what it can't.  It's good at--

• Replacing clothing, add hats, etc.
• Adding props or other elements to your scene.

It can help to give the Touch Up AI context for this. For example, to add a wine bottle to a table, try putting a 3D prop on the table first, like a vase, then highlight the vase and prompt it to replace with a "red wine bottle."

• Be specific, and reference context.

If you want the actor to hold a tennis racket don't just say "racket", say "Man holding a tennis racket pointed down."

That’s the update, it's been a wild first six months to the year in Previs Pro development. We added Mark Up, Style Grading, 3D Prop Creation and now Touch Up. WOW. Coming up, a new "Sets & Locations" library and more. So we'll be busy, and we hope you are too-- make great stuff!

Til next time,


Ian Lynch Smith, Previs Pro

P.s. And as always, thank you for your continued support. And if you’re wondering about Previs Pro, subscribe and give it a year. We’re making it better every month so get amazing value today and join with us in creating something magic!

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