Previs Pro Lights

Adding Lights

In Previs Pro, adding lights is easy. Tap the light icon or draw a "V" shape in the Add (pencil) mode to place a light. You can add multiple lights by repeating this process, or by tapping a light and selecting Duplicate from its menu on the 2D or 3D canvas. You can have a maximum of 10 lights per shot.

Types of Lights

Spotlights: Use these for focused, directional lighting. They work well when you need to highlight specific areas or characters.
Lanterns: These provide soft, ambient light, great for general scene illumination.

Adjusting Light Settings

Once you’ve added a light, you can adjust several key settings:

Intensity: Controls how bright the light is. Use this to make the light stronger or softer.
Color: You can change the color of the light to fit the scene’s mood (warm, cool, etc.).
Shadows: Adjust shadow opacity to control how strong or soft the shadows are.

Name & Icon: Give a unique name to your light and have it represented by a wide variety of icons that match the actual lights you'll be using on set.

Using Gobos

For spotlights, you can apply gobos to project patterns (like leaves or grids) for extra texture in your scene. Access the Gobos by tapping a light and selecting Gobo from its menu.

Making lights visible

From the Project Settings (from the scene selection screen, go to the "..." menu, and select Project Settings->Miscellaneous, Here you can choose to have lights and/or cameras show up on camera throughout your project.

By customizing these settings, you can create unique lighting environments that enhance your visuals.