Follow this step-by-step tutorial to add custom characters from Ready Player Me to your Previs Pro project. First, select the Pencil in the upper right to enter the Add objects canvas.
Second, select “Import Custom” from the the dialog. This will open a web view into the avatar creation service.
Choose your body type. For this tutorial, we’ve selected Don’t specify.
Take a photo, pick a file, or continue without a photo. We chose “Continue without a photo” for now.
Pick an avatar. Select the avatar that seems closest to your goal. You can easily customize hair styles, glasses, facial hair, and clothing later.
Customize your CharacterReady Player Me was developed as an avatar creator for games and apps. There are 300+ customizations available for your character.
Finalize your character. Indiana Jones has his fedora. Our character has his hat. Press the Next button.
Continue with or without signup. Create an account if you’d like to save your character in Ready Player Me.
Prepare your avatar
Your New Character appears in your shot. Select Edit to rename the character or change the Pose and Expression